Access, security and design are the three issues that are prominent features in modern day lifestyle.

Most modern refurbishments or new projects for apartment blocks need to provide not only an access control scheme, but also safe and secure means of receiving mail as citizens are tricked out of millions of pounds every year by mail scams and mail theft.

In US there is even a Residential Mailbox Regulation that state that “only authorized letter carriers may insert mail into a residential mailbox.  A penalty will be imposed for anyone who is not a letter carrier and is inserting mail in the residential mailbox.  It is a federal offense for tampering with the mail and a fine or possibly jail time can be the punishment for the offense.  Generally, resident mailboxes are for mail use only,” according to

Beside the ‘safe’ issue, post boxes, accessories and finishes need to work in harmony with the architecture and interior design scheme of developments.

Mailboxes come in many different sizes and which size you choose depends on the type of mail you receive. If you receive a lot of magazines, newspapers or small packages, you may want to consider purchasing a larger mailbox to insure that all of your mail fit properly in the box. Otherwise, a standard size mailbox is sufficient.

Property owners must maintain their apartment mailboxes to ensure they are accessible for delivery and in good working order. It is their responsibility to keep the multi occupancy post boxes area free of clutter such as tenants’ moving boxes or bicycles that might interfere with the mail carrier’s access to the boxes.

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