With winter drawing in, it’s important to keep extra vigilant. Police have warned total offences are expected to rise by a fifth during the next few months, this is due to the dark nights and festive celebrations leaving houses empty.

With 800,000 monthly searches about home security, there is a lot of confusion about what is good advice, so we’ve answered the top five most searched home security questions:

Where is security most needed at home? 7,000 searches every month

The best way to alert people to security on a property is by displaying preventives at the front of your home, which is why CCTV and video doorbells are fantastic to have in place because a burglar will immediately notice this and be put off. Burglar alarms should also be prominent on the front or side of a home and provide the added security that if you aren’t in, the whole street will be alerted to anyone or anything that is inside the house.

How do I prevent burglaries? 5,200 searches every month

Burglars look for easy properties to target, so put as many deterrents as possible in place: Make sure there is no easy access left around such as ladders in the garden or open windows. Even having gravel as your path or driveway will put burglars off as the noise will provide an early indication that someone is approaching. Ultimately, if a thief wants to enter a house they will find a way, but having more security in place will make it near impossible to escape unnoticed.

What is the best door lock? 17,000 searches every month

Door locks eventually become weaker from wear and tear over several years. The average door lock shows signs of weakness after seven years but the majority of us have older ones in place. When it comes to replacing them, research which types will fit your door, and if possible, we encourage a multipoint door lock as they have more points than a normal lock when bolted, which makes them harder to break. Digital locks are another good option as they allow a property to be accessed remotely, removing the need to carry keys when out.

How can I easily improve home security? 8,300 searches every month

With it being dark from around 4 o’clock right now, outdoor lights are an easy way to warn you that someone is outside or alert neighbours to activity on your property. Another great way to add protection is making sure gates have padlocks on them and that there is nothing valuable in site through windows should anybody look in. A lot of people think that they won’t become victims of burglaries so are relaxed when it comes to security, but this will make you an easy target – these are quick and simple methods that deter criminals.

How can I keep my car safe at night? 4,600 searches every month

Worryingly, keyless car theft has been on the rise over recent years. For those without a garage we recommend installing a steering wheel lock which seems like an old school method but will take time to break, a definite off-put for thieves. Keyless car theft involves obtaining the signal from keys to unlock a car, so keep them stored in signal blocking pouches, which are available cheaply online. To provide extra security keep key fobs on the opposite side of the house to the car.

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