Handwritten letters of appreciation are fast disappearing, though they are still considered a sign of good manners. With the advancement of means of communication, more and more people are using mobile phone and computer instead of letters.

Handwritten letters have a sense of personal touch, which is much less apparent in cell phone and computer communication. The traditions behind a “properly written letter”, however, are unique standards that can’t be duplicated by electronic mail.

As the number of letters received declines, so does the need to save and store correspondence. Boxes of letters, whether love letters tied with ribbons or family correspondence, usually with pictures, no longer occupy space on closet shelves or under beds.
I love getting letters and sending them. It doesn’t have to be a long letter, just a small thinking of you card or note.

Hand written letters are the best, although I sometimes wonder if opening the mail box and seeing those letters inside isn’t part of the thrill as well. Maybe that’s why I like getting and receiving Christmas cards so much.

I still get excited when I see the flag up on my post box because there is mail left in there for me. I am lucky as I have many friends who travel and always send me interesting post cards.

I use email on a daily basis and it is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family all over the world, but I hope the art of writing letters never dies.

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