Of the 6 people who reviewed this product 100% would recommend it.
It's a steel box, so it's difficult to go wrong, really. It's a bit like trying to review an anchor or an anvil, really. Here goes anyway: Welds all sound, lock as described. Safe not damaged in transit.
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You Safe is excellent for someone who needs a small robust, value for money wall key safe.
When I give it to my builders to install they were remarkably surprised with the quality and value for money
They informed me that is very easy to install and was surely most secure because it would be most difficult to remove from the wall that it was installed into. So I was warned not to change my mind on its location.
My wife who spends hours shopping could not believe how quickly and easily I obtained this really worthwhile addition to the integrity of our home security
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My Churchill M5 safe is perfect for our domestic needs in that it can be securely fixed in situ, it is heavy and sturdily built, it is attractively finished and it has sufficient capacity to store jewellery, passports, other document and miscellaneous items. Having carried out extensive research into safes on the market, we found many others which were of inferior quality, lesser capacity and no where near the value for money that the Churchill M5 offers. Most important of all, the Churchill M5 safe gives us peace of mind and a level of security that no other comparable product on the market can offer.
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